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Is Art Journaling for ME?

If you love the idea of creating and trying new techniques but painting a canvas or writing a novel intimidates you, art journaling is the perfect solution. An art journal is a visual diary- a place to record your memories, thoughts and experiences through art and words WITHOUT rules.

Art journaling allows freedom and endless possibilities to express your inner voice with lack of fear. Often, we believe art must be a certain way, have a certain look or be made of certain materials. But painting a landscape on canvas isn’t the only way to make art and completing a novel isn’t the only way to write. Starting an art journal helps improve artistic skills without fear and you can express yourself in any artistic way you desire. There is no wrong way to art journal.

Art journaling gives your artistic freedom to use whatever medium you want and whatever tools you like. If you want to paint with your old credit card, this is perfect place to experiment. If you want to doodle your favorite words, your journal will surrender. What about gluing magazine photos down and doodling around them? Y E S!

Art journaling is convenient because it is the size of a notebook, and you can access it anytime or anywhere. Take it with you on a trip with a few colored pencils or pull it out while in the kitchen or on a work break. Doodle your “to do” list and add some color and patterns and you have added a little creativity to your busy day.

Art journaling is personal and as a result it becomes your personal outlet for art. It is yours and no one needs to see your artistic diary if you do not want them to. Art journaling is a about process, not product, so trust the process and what is inside you. You might get to know yourself a little better and you will find you are more honest to yourself because no one is watching. It is perfect outlet to your artistic authenticity.

Art journaling is a perfect route to grow as an artist in a more authentic way without feeling overwhelmed or pressure. There are no mistakes, no one is watching, and just knowing there is no pressure allows you to be more free, more open, more YOU, and more accepting to the process.

To get started, grab a journal, a few supplies like watercolor, acrylic paints, pens, or colored pencils, and see what happens. If you aren’t sure where to start, sign up for a class or check out a few prompts below. Art journaling will change your perspective on art and yourself!

-What is your favorite word?


-The color GREEN

-Something you LOVE

-Collage something that makes you laugh

- A photo you Love


-Color mixing, find what colors you love

-Finger painting

-Favorite quote

-Paint circles and fill the circles with words you love

-Childhood dream

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