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Calm and Confident
am HSP Journey of Self-Support


Calm and Confident

Calm and Confident

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Calm and confident: An HSP Journey of Self-Support

$169 for 6 weeks of content

Highly Sensitive People or HSPs have finely tuned nervous systems that act like extrasensory antennas which allow them to pick up on more environmental information than the non-HSP. This antenna can be a superpower that provides HSPs with useful information and special gifts that help others. Having all this extra information can also create a lot of extra stress for an HSP. 

If you feel overwhelmed by the world, experience frequent anxiety, find yourself to be extra conscientious of others, take on others’ emotions, and have strong emotions of your own, you might be an HSP. This course will introduce you to mindfulness methods that will teach you to cultivate awareness of your mind and body, protect yourself from and clear the energy of others, address overwhelm, anxiety, and big emotions and use your HSP superpowers. After the course, you will have a toolbox full of skills you can use to support yourself daily. Not sure if you are an HSP, complete this questionnaire for more insight. LINK  

This Course:

6 weeks of material

6 hours and 36 minutes of content



You Will:

·     Learn Mindfulness methods to cultivate awareness 

·     Protect yourself from the  energy of others

·     Address overwhelm

·     Address Anxiety

·     Learn how to use your HSP superpower

·     Address Big Emotions

·     Gain a toolbox of skills to support yourself daily

·     Gain an acceptance of who you are-your gifts and areas of challenge



Week One
An introduction to the life of a Highly Sensitive Person. Discover the primary traits organized through the acronym D.O.E.S. which stands for Depth of Processing, Overstimulation, Emotions, and Empathy and Sensing the Subtle. Learn the foundations of mindfulness and discover the nature of the brain. Plus add two new tools to your toolbelt; an exercise on grounding and protecting your energy, and another to help you recognize your mind patterns.


Week Two 

Mindfulness continues with an exploration of the concepts of listening to body sensations and unraveling the stories of the mind. Delve into the first HSP trait in the D.O.E.S. acronym- Depth of Processing. This trait is characterized by a rich inner life. A person with deep processing needs extra time to take in and categorize the world because they sense more of it. Add two new life-supporting meditations to your toolbox and work through a guided contemplation to discover how depth of processing shows up in your life.

Day 5 The Work Worksheet 

Week Three

Continue exploring Depth of Processing, the power, and the anxiety of so much awareness. Gain an understanding of the HSPs natural trait of consciousness and how it interacts with depth of processing and explore time stress. This week you will receive executive functioning tools to support time and organizational management. Lastly, begin looking at the second trait in D.O.E.S.- Overstimulation and add a 1-minute energy-shifting breath to your toolbox proven to calm and transform your nervous system. 

Day 8 Contemplation pdf

Week Four 

This week continue exploring Overstimulation and gain more self-supporting tools.  Delve into the third trait in D.O.E.S.- Emotion & Empathy. The key trait of emotional reactivity is feeling things deeply and having big emotions that can be overwhelming. Being empathetic is an amazing gift when you know how to navigate its challenges. Learn about energy and energy clearing to support personal balance.  Gain six new tools this week to support your overstimulation, emotions, and empathy. . 

Day 10 Contemplation  Overstimulation pdf

Week Five 

Sensing the Subtle, the final trait in D.O.E.S.- is a super-power characterized by noticing things others do not. Explore one of the biggest challenges of this trait; learning to separate what needs to be addressed and what you can let go of.  Train your brain to make space for it all with a meditation designed to ease stress. Examine the big emotions of guilt and shame and get curious about how your past affects your present-day operating system, what you believe, and the connection to healthy boundary setting. Survey the components of successful change by adding a few change-supporting tools to your toolbox.

Day 15 Contemplation- Beliefs pdf

Week Six 

Explore and embrace your superpowers, peek at the positive side of being an HSP and discover your top character strengths revealed through an easy to take, free survey. Talk self-care, boundary settings, and conflict-free communication this week. Explore the one-stop shop for all your “I need it now” course tools, an emergency toolkit designed just for you! No need to search through the course for the meditations and tools you need. Wrap up the course by celebrating you! 

Day 17 Boundary Setting Support pdf

Your Guide

Cera Reine Meintzer

Cera Reine Meintzer is a connector of people, ideas, and energy and has been practicing and teaching meditation for 20 years. She enjoys spending time dancing, throwing pottery, and playing ukulele while living in Arvada, Colorado with her three children, husband, and dog.

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